Julio López, Joaquín Fernández, Martín Jiménez, Rafael Moreno … and so, up to 634 small farmers from Torres, a small village in Sierra Mágina, in the heart of the olive oil province of Jaén. In 1971 we joined together in a cooperative with a common goal, to create a picual that we could be proud of because it responded to the quality of our mountain olive trees – which gives the oil a fresh flavor that plain trees do not have.

This is how Señorío de Camarasa was born, a gourmet and traditional oil, with a price adapted to everyone’s reality.

The healthiest tradition

Our picual oil

An extra-virgin picual: The variety of picual olive, according to studies by Citoliva, is the one that has the most antioxidants, as a result is that the oil extracted from these olives has more antioxidant properties – protective of the heart, arteries, preventive of hypercholesterolemia.

In addition, this type of oil retains its qualities intact much better than those made from any other variety of olive.

Provincial Council of Jaén
Señoría de Camarasa
Señoría de Camarasa
Sierra Magina

Where we are

Ctra.Jimena-Torres, km 7,8
23540 Torres (Jaén)

Tel: 953 363 030

Móvil: 687 713 092

Fax: 953 363 034

Financiado por la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU